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News Side 16


Dharma Dreameater 10 Years Anniversary!

I wrote the score for Dharma Dreameater in 2006. Today 10 years ago we recorded the score with The Jutland Ensemble in Viborg Musiksal.  

There is no rose with veni veni emmanuel

CD of the week

The vocal group Concert Clemens newly-released CD with Christmas arrangement by different composers on Orchid Classics is CD of the week on the Danish Broadcasting… Read More »CD of the week

New Commission!

Very happy to be able to work with one of my favourite ensembles in the world, ensemble recherche, once again! The premiere will take place… Read More »New Commission!

Den Korte Radioavis Kenzo-spoof

Made in connection to Prix Radio – the Danish official radio prize. I’m participating as Speaker-Allan in the end of the video.